Institutional Portfolios
Investment Management for Organizations
We understand that institutional investors' objectives of outperforming benchmarks must be accomplished while prudently managing risk in order to meet the organizations’ long-term objectives.
We create a relationship with you built on your organization’s investment policy, long-term goals, liquidity needs, tax situation and other considerations. Regardless of the portfolio size, we believe you’ll find our process easy to understand, operationally efficient and low cost.
Grounded in nearly 100 years of disciplined investing, we design portfolios with the intention of mitigating risk in difficult markets while striving to achieve outperformance over a full market cycle.

Custom Solutions
Our strategies include Multi-Cap, Balanced, Small Cap, Minnesota Municipal Bonds, and Venture Capital.
We understand the vigorous and extensive work needed to complete the due diligence process. Our professionals will meet with you and your institutional and organizational clients as needed to review performance, attribution analyses and our outlook. With you as the quarterback, we work with selected custodians, actuaries, record keepers, administrators and trustees.
Our bottom-up process is straightforward, designed for mitigating risk and no surprises. The multi-cap and balanced strategies don’t fit neatly into a style box, but have historically performed well over full market cycles. In a less efficient part of the market, our track record of producing alpha* with our small cap strategy speaks for itself.
*Alpha (the Greek letter α) is a term used in investing to describe a strategy's ability to beat the market, or it's "edge." Alpha is thus also often referred to as “excess return” or “abnormal rate of return,” which refers to the idea that markets are efficient, and so there is no way to systematically earn returns that exceed the broad market as a whole.
Family dynamics can be complex. Safety and liquidity are often key concerns of family members. Family wealth needs to be available for the current generation while providing the potential for mitigating risk and providing growth for future generations.
We can begin by assisting the office in creating an appropriate Investment Policy. Our investment professionals can meet with and prepare specialized reports for the office manager and individual family groups, assist with cash flow planning or help create funding plans for special needs. As life changes occur, we can advise and refer family members to trustworthy experts for estate planning, legal, tax or other complex issues.
We also partner effectively with the existing team of advisors serving the family.
As a business owner, you have a great responsibility to your employees. As an independent employee-owned firm, we understand your challenges and responsibilities.
We look forward to building a strong relationship with you and are available for sessions with your employees and management team. If needed, we can assist with creating an investment policy for your corporate account. We believe our focused long-term investment approach makes our strategies attractive for building wealth over the long term.
The Mairs & Power Advantage
Our Commitment to You
We believe the best way to make money for our clients is to consistently utilize a disciplined long-term investment approach.
We believe the best way to make money for our clients is to consistently utilize a disciplined long-term investment approach.
We offer an easy to understand process with:
16 CFA
Charterholders - are members of the Investment Committee
26+ years
Average financial industry experience of our professionals
Year our most-tenured current institutional client started with us
Organizational assets under management
All statistics as of 12/31/2024
Learn More About Our Capabilities
We would like to get to know you and your organization’s needs. To request a call with one of our Investment Managers or learn more about Mairs & Power, please call 651-222-8478.